Friday, July 27, 2012

An insight into HP's Structural Problem

Fixing What’s Broken: H.P’s Structural Challenges
Case Synopsis:
To analyze the role of organizational structure in an organization’s efficiency and effectiveness.
Case Facts:
1)      Hewlett-Packard Company (H.P) is best known for printers, cameras, calculators and computers.
2)      Carly Florina was named the organization’s CEO in 1999, who made a $25 billion controversial acquisition of rival Compaq computers.
3)      She was fired by the BOD in 2005 A.D, and Mark Hurd was named the new CEO of H.P.
4)      In the beginning he found H-P was facing the problems about company’s sales forces.
5)      He had to address towards solving the fundamental problems.
6)      He took various steps towards remedy such as firing underperformers and eliminating on sales group entirely.
7)      After he brought some changes in the organization, the managers were in position to make speedy decisions.
8)      Sales persons were also in position to spend 40 % of their time with their customers.
Case Analysis:
After Carly florin was fired by the BOD of H.P, Mark Hurd was named the new CEO of H.P. When Mark Hurd analyzed carefully, he figured out that 11 layers of management between him and the customers were the main basis for company’s structural problems. He also figured out that the top corporate customers of the company have no clue what so ever about whom to contact at H.P to respond to their questions. The company’s head of corporate technology reported to Mr. Hurd that she had to wait three months to secure approval to hire 100 sales specialists. Also the sales person of the organization reported that they were only able to spend one third of their time with the customers, the remainder time they spend in negotiating bureaucracy inside of HP.
After mark Hurd identified the problem of the organization, he decided to take appropriate measures to solve the problem. He first terminated the employment of underperformers who were not working to their full efficiency and who were responsible for organization’s lower productivity. Then he eliminated three layers of sales management and eliminated one sales group entirely and merged those sales representatives into the remaining sales groups.
Since there were eleven layers of management between the company and its customers, decisions implementation was a slow process and H.P lost many deals in between at those times. As Mark Hurd implemented various decisions to eradicate the problem, company executives and members of the sales force were likely to be pleased because the increased efficiency in the organization will enable them to make decisions more quickly and they will get more time to spend interacting with their customers so that H.P don’t lose too many bids. It is important in every organization to prioritize the customers as a sole one, as they are the basis for every organization to flourish. So H.P must not forget that customers must be more satisfied and see that their needs and concerns are being met more effectively and efficiently.
A mechanistic organization is a rigid and tightly controlled structure characterized by high specialization, rigid departmentalization, narrow spans of control, high formalization, a limited information network, and little participation in decision making by lower level employees whereas organic structure is a structure that’s highly adaptive and flexible. Organic organizations may have specialized jobs, but those jobs are not standardized and can change as needs require.
Organic Structure looks to be more appropriate for H.P considering the rapidly changing nature of the products, and the services. As there is intense competition within the industry, H.P must be responsive and proactive in its corporate strategy, so organic structure looks to be more conductive and appealing.
In this modern era, organizational structure plays a key role in enabling a company to function smoothly. It also remains responsive to its internal and external stakeholders and helps to adapt to changes in the marketplace. The managers of the organization should consider the fact that the organization is not always stable and they should try their best in choosing the appropriate organizational structure. Their decision should take consideration into number of employees, internal environment, external environment, size, nature of business and so on so that proper relationship between individuals, workers, groups and departments is maintained and task is assigned to the employees and responsibility is clearly defined to them.
Conclusion and Recommendations
The case explains about the importance of the organizational structure which engages the organizational design. Some of them are explained below:
1)      Proper hierarchy must be defined.
2)      Organization must adapt to the changing environment.
3)      Span of control should differ according to the size of organization, i.e. narrow in large organization and wide in small type of organization.
4)      Before choosing any organizational design, the basic factor affecting the organization’s efficiency must be taken into consideration.
5)      Decentralization, departmentalization, chain of command, formalization, work specialization, should be analyzed properly.

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